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- /* The boolean type. */
- typedef int boolean;
- #define TRUE (1)
- #define FALSE (0)
- /* Names for the bytes in the frame header. */
- #define IFRAME_DLE (0)
- #define IFRAME_K (1)
- #define IFRAME_CHECKLOW (2)
- #define IFRAME_CHECKHIGH (3)
- #define IFRAME_CONTROL (4)
- #define IFRAME_XOR (5)
- /* Length of the frame header. */
- #define CFRAMELEN (6)
- /* Macros to break apart the control bytes. */
- #define CONTROL_TT(b) ((int)(((b) >> 6) & 03))
- #define CONTROL_XXX(b) ((int)(((b) >> 3) & 07))
- #define CONTROL_YYY(b) ((int)((b) & 07))
- /* DLE value. */
- #define DLE ('\020')
- /* Get the length of a packet given a pointer to the header. */
- #define CPACKLEN(z) (1 << ((z)[IFRAME_K] + 4))
- /* <k> field value for a control message. */
- #define KCONTROL (9)
- /* Get the next sequence number given a sequence number. */
- #define INEXTSEQ(i) ((i + 1) & 07)
- /* Compute i1 - i2 modulo 8. */
- #define CSEQDIFF(i1, i2) (((i1) + 8 - (i2)) & 07)
- /* Packet types. These are from the TT field. */
- #define CONTROL (0)
- #define ALTCHAN (1)
- #define DATA (2)
- #define SHORTDATA (3)
- /* Control types. These are from the XXX field if the type (tt field)
- is CONTROL. */
- #define CLOSE (1)
- #define RJ (2)
- #define SRJ (3)
- #define RR (4)
- #define INITC (5)
- #define INITB (6)
- #define INITA (7)
- /* Maximum amount of data in a single packet. */
- #define CMAXDATAINDEX (8)
- #define CMAXDATA (1 << (CMAXDATAINDEX + 4))
- /* Maximum window size. */
- #define CMAXWINDOW (7)
- /* The timeout to use when waiting for a packet. Protocol parameter
- ``timeout''. */
- #define CTIMEOUT (10)
- /* The number of times to retry waiting for a packet. Each time the
- timeout fails we send a copy of our last data packet or a reject
- message for the packet we expect from the other side, depending on
- whether we have any unacknowledged data. This is the number of
- times we try doing that and then waiting again. Protocol parameter
- ``retries''. */
- #define CRETRIES (6)
- /* Next sequence number to send. */
- int iGsendseq = 1;
- /* Last sequence number that has been acked. */
- int iGremote_ack = 0;
- /* Last sequence number to be retransmitted. */
- int iGretransmit_seq = -1;
- /* Last sequence number we have received. */
- static int iGrecseq;
- /* Remote segment size (set during protocol initialization). This is
- one less than the value in a packet header. */
- int iGremote_segsize;
- /* Remote packet size (set based on iGremote_segsize). */
- int iGremote_packsize;
- /* Remote window size (set during handshake). */
- static int iGremote_winsize;
- /* Timeout (seconds) for receiving a data packet. Protocol parameter
- ``timeout''. */
- static int cGtimeout = CTIMEOUT;
- /* Maximum number of timeouts when receiving a data packet or
- acknowledgement. Protocol parameter ``retries''. */
- static int cGretries = CRETRIES;
- /* Get a packet. This is called to wait for a packet to come in when
- there is nothing to send. If freturncontrol is TRUE, this will
- return after getting any control packet. Otherwise, it will
- continue to receive packets until a complete file or a complete
- command has been received. The timeout and the number of retries
- are arguments. The function returns FALSE if an error occurs or if
- cretries timeouts of ctimeout seconds were exceeded. */
- boolean fgwait_for_packet (boolean freturncontrol, int ctimeout,
- int cretries);
- /* Send data to the other system. If the fdoread argument is TRUE,
- this will also read data into abPrecbuf; fdoread is passed as TRUE
- if the protocol expects data to be coming back, to make sure the
- input buffer does not fill up. Returns FALSE on error. */
- boolean fsend_data (const char *zsend, int csend, boolean fdoread);